Friday, 30 April 2021

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night - Opening of the Rugby Season 2021

 No it wasn't a dark and stormy night, and the quality of this journalism equates to that oft used opening to indicate the tension for the event.

Uni meet Burnie at the Sandy Bay Lower Campus Rugby Ground (The George Wilson Memorial Rugby Paddock) at 3pm today, Saturday 1st May 2021.

After a change of government likely to occur today, once all votes are counted and observed by scrutineers Putin and Trump, we can expect a minority government comprised of everything but normality.

More importantly for the people of the State of Tasmania, both in the Provincial Capital Hobart, and the antipodean ruddy North West, who will win the Guiler Sleeve?

Geoff Guiler donated his sleeve, which had to be prized from his endangered arm after a skirmish at Burnie in 1973. Legend has it the doctor had to cut the red sleeve from his arm to avoid amputation and to enable suturing to the wound, created during over-vigourous rucking (no longer now permitted). 

The truth is a very different story: Geoff was shimmying up the chicken wire fence of the Cooee cordial factory after numerous beers following the game, and ripped the sleeve on the barbed wire atop the fence. The useless red sleeve dangling from his arm had to be cut for nothing more than convenience.

But that is all another story.

Meanwhile Uni prepared for today's battle with a pre-season "OLD DOGS LUNCHEON" at the Globe Hotel.

Once again the club was privileged to have the company of supporter and compere Tim (Two) Cox - well he couldn't be that silly playing with only one.

Eye to eye he confronted the current active (don't ignore the ancient lackadaisical) leadership of the club, and quizzed them on matters ranging from personal relationships, proclivities, birthright, aboriginality, and thence to such relevant matters as fitness, skill and desire to win.

At short notice 50 or so of the club's breathing and living supporters attended the Friday lucheon at the Globe. It must be said the whole arrangement was ideal. Pre-lunch beers, some wine at table, sizzling steaks and chips and salad etc, helped ensure it wasn't all about that which we profess to know so much, yet so ironically it is that we believe that - viz Rugby.

Formalities commenced with condolences to Prince Philip's family, speech from former President Julian Amos, and then the interrogation of the guns of the first 15.

It was smiles all around as the clock ticked toward the pumpkin hour (5pm) and the crew spilled out into the external smoking area to clear the lungs.

Thoughtful, engaged, enamoured, wishing they were back there and preparing for their own season in the changerooms, playgrounds and bars of rugby in Tasmania - or Scotland: Bennett for Premier:

Zane Pickering - from one gaol to another - the gaol of his mind -

But not everything spoken was brimming with political correctness: Loxley 
Former coach and proud wearer of the Uni uniform: Hendo
Thoughtful? Or thoughtless?

Or just asleep

Savali Lopa - security for the Uni Teams

Coach Jensen: ready for the season

The finest agent in town: Trevor Fox

And the Leadership and Players:

Former President Jules Amos - roaming around his topic
And more of the OLD DOGS -

Associates guest Leigh Sealy said "A Most Impressive Club"

MC and Union Organiser Tim Cox - thanks for the good work

The sun shines today for our game at Uni

Cheers : PK

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night - Opening of the Rugby Season 2021

 No it wasn't a dark and stormy night, and the quality of this journalism equates to that oft used opening to indicate the tension for t...